Visit Lola’s Dashboard for all the hottest music everyday for 365 days, See ya There!!

I Love Music!

I Really Love Music!

Visit Katie’s blog, she has some really cool pictures!

A year in photographic review!

Awesome Pictures!

“This is a quest to take a photo a day for a year. My time in school took a lot of the creative energy I had once dedicated to photography and this is a chance to get that back. I look to this blog to rekindle what it was about capturing light that has intrigued me for all these years. I hope you enjoy my images.”

He has beautiful pictures visit his blog by clicking on the picture.

Awesome Blog!

“I’m by no means a photographer. I’m simply a prairies girl with a camera. I live in the big city now, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming. In the hustle and bustle, I have to remind myself that there is beauty in all the little things.”

Her blog is titled “365 Days of gratitude”

Visit her blog by clicking on the Photo.

Nedbalthus is going to take 365 1 second video shots. Here is number 66 video.

Michael Sharp is going on a diet, this is his 365 diet blog.

Nick Daugherty and his 365 record deal journey

Join Today!

The 365 project is now officially started. Look around and see some of the new projects=) Hope you get inspired to do the same! Click on picture above to see some video’s!

The 365 Day Project!

Hey , glad to see you=) Here’s the deal, I am starting a new project and I wanted to invite you to participate in it. Click on my “about” section below my header for all the details, join today!

May 2024

Flickr Photos

365 Peep’s